Loading Workshops

November 4-6, 2022

Everyone has a story they tell to themselves, as well as to others. Unfortunately, these stories are not typically the stories of accomplishment and success, but of failure and lack. For example, you may tell yourself, “I never have enough money,” I will always be overweight, or I have to do everything myself.”
There are many hardship stories that relate to relationships, finances, work/career and health. Imagine changing your story and changing your life. In changing your story you begin the process of breaking down the template of hardship and struggle in your life. Everyone yearns for a life that they can truly enjoy, but lack the insight and tools necessary for making such a desire a reality. In this powerful and inspirational workshop, you will identify your beliefs and behaviors that contribute to patterns of sabotage, and gain the necessary insight and tools for creating a life of ease.

In this workshop, you will:

  • Identify the patterns of struggle in your life.
  • Identify the emotions that contribute to hardship and struggle
  • Discover personal contentment and satisfaction.
  • Gain the support and encouragement of others to transform your life.
  • Begin to write a new life story of success and ease.
  • Learn the tools for creating a life of ease and abundance.

People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of fear for the unknown

they prefer suffering that is familiar

Thich Nhat Hanh

MEALS AND LODGING IS $250 plus tax

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